Emergency Planning
Good afternoon. Minnesota has an outdated toolkit for Emergency Planners (attached and last updated in 2015). We are on a committee that is going to take a look at the existing document and…
Disaster preparedness- Gulf coast states and PR- pediatric response
check this resource i found today: https://emscimprovement.center/domains/preparedness/asprcoe/gulf7/
AUCD AT Special Interest Group is Hosting a webinar series
This is the 1st in the series- feel free to share. Flyer attached AUCD Assistive Technology SIG Presents Robust AAC for Adults with IDD Dr. Stephanie Bay Thursday, October 17 Time:…
Grant opportunities for reuse
Hi everyone! I'd love to hear if anyone is aware of any grant opportunities for reuse programs or their past experiences with any?
{Time sensitive} Presentation for Alaska Safe Roadway Behavior Symposium
We have been asked to give a presentation at the Alaska Safe Roadway Behaviors Symposium next week. The audience will be first responders, engineers, and other "leaders in highway safety.…
Opportunity to Collaborate: Research on Disability, Valley Fever, and Assistive Technology
Hi AT3 Community, I’m reaching out to see if anyone is interested in joining a research team. Divya Ramesh is conducting a systematic review on disability and valley fever as part of the Research…
Participants Needed on the Development of a Free Assistive Technology Tool
Raising the Floor is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing digital equity and developing accessible technologies. Funded by grants and gifts, we provide free tools that make computers more…
Procedure to Ensure Advisory Council Members are Diverse
We are reviewing and updating our policies and procedures. Is anyone willing to share their procedure to "ensure that the Advisory Council members are geographically representative of the State and…
new medicaid rules- Plain language resource
Some may find this resource helpful from Green Mountain Self Advocates in VT
Vehicle Insurance Endorsements
Hello - does your bank partner require modification endorsements for modified vehicles when issuing loans or is your program the one to require and monitor this, or neither?…
Policies on Device Management: Damage, Loss, Non-Return, and Upgrade/Disposal
Hello everyone, I’m reaching out to gather insights on how different programs handle policies related to device management, specifically concerning situations where devices are damaged, lost,…
A small community college in Minnesota is struggling to pay for its Glean subscriptions. Does anyone have recommendations for other solutions that may be more affordable?
Digital Equity Work?
Involved or interested in the national digital equity initiatives? What's your state or territory's plan? How can this work align with our goals and objectives? Let's discuss here.…
Seeking Input for the Kansas Digital Government Summit Panel
Sara Sack from AT for Kansans has been invited to join a panel at the Kansas Digital Government Summit on August 22, 2024. She’s seeking insights from colleagues on key points to emphasize regarding…
DME Repair Certification
We are researching certifications for our durable medical equipment reuse team for certified repairs. Does anyone have recommendations? I found several online, but not sure which have most validity.…
State Financing: Minimum Housing Payment for DTI: How Do You Handle It?
Hi everyone, Does your alternative financing program (AFP) use a minimum housing payment (a set amount allocated to housing costs) when evaluating an applicant’s debt-to-income ratio,…
Artificial Intelligence
UT has offers a laymen's class on AI and has made it available for audit to faculty/staff. Anyway- they shared this resource I thought you might think is interesting.…
Coverage for Retina Implant Surgery Under Assistive Technology Financial Loans
Hello Everyone, Would retina implant surgery be covered under the Assistive Technology (AT) financial loan? This could be considered surgical and thus more medical than AT,…
Replacement for the Liftware devices?
Hello from Virginia, I think we have discussed this, but wondering if any states have tried the Bravo Twist or Bravo Classic utensils for tremors. (since Liftware says they do not know when they will…
Accessible gaming: Adapting the Oculus VR
Got this query from a consumer: I have a patient who is a quadriplegic who purchased an Oculas 2 VR. He can hold the controllers but unable to operate button functions on them.…
Olmstead 25th Anniversary
The 25th anniversary of the Olmstead v. L.C. Supreme Court decision will be celebrated this month as one of the most important rulings ever to allow individuals with disabilities to receive services…
Crowdsourcing and SSI/SSDI benefits
Hello from Virginia, We frequently receive I&A calls from individuals looking to fund (thru grants or donations) their transportation needs (other than alternative financing loans).…
Reuse "As-Is" policy
In an attempt not to reinvent the wheel, does anyone have an "as-is" document they can share that end-users sign when receiving a reuse item? I am looking for something that the receiver would sign…
Tobii Dynovox's TD Snap is changing to a subscription model.
TD Snap has indeed transitioned to a subscription-based service, which means users now need to pay $9.99 per month for it to function. If you had already purchased a TD Snap license for your…
Texas Technology Access Program has a new 3D printing video
Texas Technology 3D Printing Demonstration
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