AT for mother with CP
Hello All,
I had a staff member at our agency reach out about assistive technology available for a mother with CP. The individual utilzes a walker around the house and just gave birth recently. They are working with an OT and learning how to change diapers and all of the other things that come along with having an infant. The infant was born prematurly as well adding to some of the challenges. One major concern is transporting the child around the home due to issues with balance, using a walker and decreased upperbody strength. I realize that this is not a lot of information, but wanted to see if anyone has any ideas of some accommdatoins that could assist this individual.
Thanks so much and have a wonderful holiday season,
3 replies
Hi Josh,
I’m spitballing a potential solution here. I wonder if a combination of a harness and home track system, along with using a baby carrier, could help provide additional support.
Dr. Cole Galloway, the founder of GoBabyGo, has done some incredible work around low-cost harness and track systems designed to support movement. The harness, in particular, could offer hands-free body weight support, reducing the risk of falling while allowing the user to hold their baby.
I’d suggest checking out the link below to explore some of Dr. Galloway’s work with harness/track systems. The concept might be a great fit for your situation!
Let me know what you think!
we have some 3d printed items that might be helpful- scroll right to find them under baby and child care header
This isn't designed as AT but as a new mom who was gifted one of these, I think it is very helpful and can be useful for individuals with disabilities. The Doona is essentially a car seat with wheels. It does require a bit of strength to convert it from car seat to stroller mode, and vice versa. But while the wheels are down, it is so easy to maneuver. Because it is a car seat, it has a 5 point harness and is safe for small infants. Depending on the space the mom has at home, she may be able to use her walker and push the car seat next to her.
It is a bit pricey at $550. But this was the first thing that came to mind for easy maneuvering while not having to hold the baby.
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- 1 mth agoLast active
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