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also- the NC shelter book might be helpful https://nccdd.org/images/article/Forms-docs-brochures/2016/ShowMeBook_2015b.pdf
When TX has had large scale disasters, neighboring states often opened shelters as well.
And some low tech AAC boards:
- Harris County (Houston) HHS Emergency Boards
- ISSAAC Emergency Boards (the COVID resources transfer to emergency settings well)
- Tech Owl Emergency Boards:
- English/Spanish Emergency Communication Board 8.5x11in (PDF – 847 KB)
- English/Spanish Emergency Communication Board 8.5x14in (PDF – 1502 KB)
and refer ppl to resources:
- Search for state level management agencies: https://www.usa.gov/state-emergency-management
- Disaster Assistance- note the bottom left of page one can search by county in declared states- https://www.disasterassistance.gov/
- FEMA for this event https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4856
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