Lingraphica offer
Visited with a Lingraphica (AAC apps among other things) at ASHA and she made an offer to AT programs. See below- maybe reference ASHA and my name to put her in context.…
Digital divide simulator
possibly of interest https://www.kcdigitaldrive.org/project/digital-divide-simulation/
AUCD AT Special Interest Group is Hosting a webinar series
This is the 1st in the series- feel free to share. Flyer attached AUCD Assistive Technology SIG Presents Robust AAC for Adults with IDD Dr. Stephanie Bay Thursday, October 17 Time:…
Disaster preparedness- Gulf coast states and PR- pediatric response
check this resource i found today: https://emscimprovement.center/domains/preparedness/asprcoe/gulf7/
new medicaid rules- Plain language resource
Some may find this resource helpful from Green Mountain Self Advocates in VT
Accessible gaming: Adapting the Oculus VR
Got this query from a consumer: I have a patient who is a quadriplegic who purchased an Oculas 2 VR. He can hold the controllers but unable to operate button functions on them.…
Digital Connectivity
Discussion on broadband access
3D Printing and makers
Articles, ideas and stuff about 3d printing an maker spaces check out this cool org my team member shared with me- possilby like with your disaster preparedness efforts.…
Vocational Resource- Peak Performers
I stumbled across Peak Performers main office in a local shopping district in Austin, but they do have a national footprint, so I thought other AT programs might be interested.…
Artificial Intelligence
UT has offers a laymen's class on AI and has made it available for audit to faculty/staff. Anyway- they shared this resource I thought you might think is interesting.…
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