{Time sensitive} Presentation for Alaska Safe Roadway Behavior Symposium

We have been asked to give a presentation at the Alaska Safe Roadway Behaviors Symposium next week. The audience will be first responders, engineers, and other "leaders in highway safety." ATLA does not do vehicle modifications so I don't think presenting on AT such as steering wheel knobs, turn signal extenders, parking brake extensions, etc would be appropriate. While we could touch on disability etiquette to the degree of how to approach someone who has an impairment like hearing, speech, cognitive, etc, that doesn't hit the target request to present on AT. 

I'm wondering if anyone has done outreach/education to a similar group and would be willing to share your presentation or outline with us.

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    • Training and Technical Assistance Lead
    • Ryan_Rausch.1
    • 5 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Mystie,

    Sorry, I do not have any slides or an outline, but you might consider incorporating elements from the CarFit program. This program, which is supported by AOTA, AARP, and AAA, offers practical and low-tech solutions for older adults who are driving.

    During a CarFit event, volunteers check for:

    • A seat belt that holds the driver in the proper position and remains comfortable while driving.
    • The tilt of the steering wheel and position of the airbag.
    • At least 10 inches of room between the chest and the airbag housed in the steering wheel.
    • A properly adjusted head restraint.
    • A driver’s clear line of sight above the steering wheel and dash.
    • Easy access to accelerator/gas and brake pedals.
    • Properly adjusted mirrors to see behind and around the vehicle, reducing the driver’s blind spots.
    • The ability to turn the vehicle’s ignition key with ease or operate an ignition system.
    • Easy reach and operation of vehicle controls, including turn signals, headlights, emergency flashers, windshield wipers, and the parking brake, among others.

    Does any AT Act Program have experience with partnering to put on a CarFit event and willing to share?



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  • 5 mths agoLast active
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