AT3 Community’s Quick Start Guide
Signing Up:
Welcome to AT3 Center's Community! Follow these simple steps to sign up and join our vibrant community:
- Visit our Website: Go to
- Click "Sign Up": Find the "Sign Up" button located in the top right corner of the page and click on it.
- Provide Your Information: Fill in the required fields with your: First and Last Name, Email Address, and Create a Password (make sure it meets the specified requirements, e.g., minimum length, including special characters)
- Request to Join: After completing the form, select the "Request to Join" button to submit your information.
- Verify Your Email: Check your personal email inbox for a message from AT3. Open the email and click on the verification link to confirm your email address. Don’t forget to check your spam or junk folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox.
- Await Approval: Once your request is submitted, our AT3 staff will review it. You will receive an email notification once your request has been approved. Please allow one business day for this process, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
- Visit: Go to
- Click Log-in: Top right corner.
- Enter Details: Email and password.
- Log-in: Hit enter or log-in button.
Navigating the Site:
Tabs for Navigation: Conveniently explore website categories using the tabs located at the top.
- Home: Find essential information for newcomers and important updates on the "Home" tab, which serves as the landing page.
- Discussions: Engage in ongoing conversations by visiting the "Discussions" tab, where various topics are listed chronologically. Share your thoughts, questions, ideas, successes, or feedback here.
- Resources: Discover and contribute resources related to the community's interests by accessing the "Resources" tab.
- Education PAL: Dedicated to discussions and resources on education and assistive technology collaboration, the "Education Peer Action Learning (PAL)" tab offers a space tailored specifically to topics related to educational collaboration.
- Events: Stay informed about upcoming events by checking out the "Events" tab, which features AT3 Center’s calendar of events.
- Tags: Browse content by themes or categories. Easily find topics of interest by using the “Search Tags” bar.
Searching for Posts on a Topic: Looking for specific information or discussions on a particular subject? Use the search feature!
- Find Search Bar: Look for the search bar located under the tabs at the top of the page.
- Enter Topic: Type in the topic of interest and hit enter.
Posting a New Discussion Topic:
- Navigate to the Discussions Tab: Click on the "Discussions” tab.
- Access New Topic Button: Locate and select the “Start a new topic” button on the right side of the screen, usually found in the second column.
- Enter Title: Provide a descriptive title to help people locate your discussion topic.
- Enter Description: This is where you can post your question or provide additional details about the topic.
- Post Your Discussion: After entering the title and description, select the "Post" button to publish your new discussion topic.
Replying to a Topic:
- Find the Discussion Topic: Locate and click on the title of the discussion topic you want to reply to.
- Access Reply Option: Once on the topic page, find and click on the "Reply to Topic" button.
- Enter Your Response: Share your feedback, comments, strategies, or relevant information in the provided text field.
- Post Your Reply: After composing your reply, click the "Reply" button to post it to the discussion thread.
Posting Resources:
- Navigate to Resources Tab: Click on the "Resources" tab.
- Access Add Article Button: Look for and select the "Add Article” button, typically on the screen’s right side, often found in the second column.
- Enter Title: Provide a descriptive title to help users locate your resource.
- Add Resource: Add an image, video, or attach a file.
- Enter Description: Provide a brief description or summary of your resource.
- Post Your Resource: Once you’ve entered the title and added your resource, click the “Post” button to publish it to the Resources section.
Following Topics:
Stay updated effortlessly with email notifications of new posts on specific topics.
- Visit Discussions or Resources: Navigate to either the Discussions or Resources section.
- Click on Your Desired Topic: Select the topic you're interested in.
- Scroll Down and Click “Follow” Button: Start receiving notifications for all new posts on that topic.
Following Categories:
- Navigate to Discussions or Resources: Visit either the Discussions or Resources section.
- Click “Follow” Button: Simply click the “Follow” button to receive notifications for the entire category.
Setting Notifications:
- Access Your Account: Log in to your AT3 Community account using your credentials.
- Navigate to Notification Settings: Once logged in, locate and click on your profile or username, which is a circle icon found in the top right corner of the screen. From the dropdown menu, select "Notification Settings".
- Customize Notification Preferences: Within the Notification Settings, you'll likely find various options to customize your notification preferences. This includes settings for email notifications.
- Email Notifications: If you want to receive email notifications for new posts, replies, or other activities, ensure that the email notification settings are configured according to your preferences. You have options to choose the frequency of email notifications and the types of activities that trigger notifications.
Content aside
- 9 mths agoLast active
- 54Views