Keynote Speaker Ideas
(This thread was inadvertently started on the old listserv. It has been transferred here.)
- from Laura Plummer
I am on the conference planning committee for our statewide Aging, Disability, and Independent Living Conference and we are looking for suggestions for outstanding keynote speakers. If you have any suggestions I’d be happy to share them with our committee. The conference is in 2026, thanks in advance!
5 replies
From Angela Standridge:
Maybe an augmented communicator? We had Kay McMillain last year- she was fab. USAAC has a speaker’s bureau Click on more speakers- read bios, etc.
Tammy Kroger says - You can’t go wrong with Kay. She is one our NC girls. 😊 Wonderful speaker, leader, advocate.
We had Teepa Snow at the expo this year for a one hour session and we are working with her for next year (2025) for a pre-conference session. She is fantastic. Focus on aging, caregiving and dementia. Her website is below.
Aimee Sterk added:
Tameka Citchen Spruce—my colleague, disability justice advocate, and filmmaker. She just finished working with PBS on American Masters: Thomas Wiggins:
Her website:
She speaks on the history of Black Disabled activists; Combatting Ableism in Healthcare; and Disability Justice in Inclusive Workplaces among other things.
For our 2024 conference in CT, we used Todd Stabelfeldt (per Tammy Koger's recommendation). He was fantastic! We had him focus on AT for independent living and employment. Here is his website: We did this via Zoom live with our audience in the large ballroom and him on two screens. It was still very moving and we were able to do live Q&A. Travelling for him is a lot but with the conference in 2026, there would be time to plan to bring him in person and it would be worth it!
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- 3 mths agoLast active
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