Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology (QIAT) – Resources and Transition Presentation

4 replies

    • Brian_Wojcik
    • 9 mths ago
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    What are your questions or thoughts about QIAT and using them in the context of building and engaging in partnership activities?

      • Kursten_Dubbels
      • 9 mths ago
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       Brian, I have used the QIAT matrices with local education agency (LEA) assistive technology (AT) teams. Individuals on the AT team, including at least one administrator, complete the matrices without taking with other team members. We then provide a brief training that dives deeper into each of the eight topics. After the training, team members get together to compare scores and determine a team score (no averaging allowed). The conversations have been fascinating as team members discuss their perceptions and practices that are often vastly different from people they work and collaborate with every day. These conversations provide an opportunity for teams to understand what is going well and areas that may need intervention for improvement. Teams select an area or item they want to improve and develop a plan of action. They redo the process the next year to show progress. QIAT is a wonderful tool to increase collaboration and improve AT services to students.

    • Judith_Nomura
    • 9 mths ago
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    Hi Brian,

    The QIAT has a lot of great information and resources.  I especially like the QIAT matrices.  For instance, the Consideration for AT needs can be used to find out the current practices of school teams when considering AT during an IEP team meeting.  During an IEP review of different schools, AT was not always considered for all students.  This information can be used to help determine the need for training in the AT consideration process for certain schools or personnel.  We can collaborate with our partner, ATRC (Assistive Technology Resouce Center), who would like to start doing some training with the Department of Education.

    • Josh_Barton
    • 9 mths ago
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    In North Carolina we are currently working on a joint partnership focused on AAC and AAC evaluations and the QIAT will be part of that training. Our current goal is for it to be used as a tool for our Public School Units (PSU) to use as a sort of pre and post rating using the matrices to help see the impact the training has on overall AT outcomes within a given PSU. Additionally, we are already look to the future with expanding AT training opportunities and imbedding it in a similar way with those trainings.

    I like to encourage our PSUs to use the matrices to see where they are at currently and to then check back in with them on a regular basis to help assess where they may need to focus attention. Finally, I really like to encourage our PSUs early on to focus on Indicator 7 Administrative Support as the way it is structured should help improve overall outcomes for our students by ensuring sound practices are established and supported early.

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